Cross Element Static Mixers

Cross Element Static Mixers

The most challenging mixing processes in the industry are characterized by substantial disparities in the physical properties of the fluids involved. These differences can be categorized into three main groups:

1- Large differences in flow rates

2- Significant variations in densities

 3- Considerable discrepancies in viscosities

 In simpler terms, it is easier to mix two substances with high viscosities compared to mixing materials with significantly different viscosities. When it comes to such fluids, the cross-element mixers offered by this company are considered to be one of the top choices.

 The operating mechanism of these mixers involves generating successive subdivisions in multiple directions and creating continuous intersecting flows. This process ensures that the fluids are mixed in the shortest possible time and distance.

For more information about this mixer, please refer to the catalog of this product.

Pictures related to this mixer: