Helical Static Mixer

Helical Static Mixer

This type of mixer is used in a wide range of industries. Helical mixers are highly suitable for fluids with medium viscosity and density. The working principles of these mixers are based on division for laminar flows with Reynolds numbers less than 2300, and on division, conversion, and inversion for turbulent flows with Reynolds numbers greater than 4000.

1. Division: As the fluid passes through the mixer, each element divides the fluid into two distinct layers. The total number of divisions after passing through ‘n’ elements is calculated by the formula x=2Therefore, with 18 elements in the mixer, the fluid is divided into 262,144 layers.

2. Conversion: The fluid moves along the elements due to pressure. The helical wall of the elements guides the fluid in the center towards the wall, and the fluid near the wall towards the center. This movement creates a velocity difference among the fluid molecules, causing the fluid to be sheared.

3. Inversion: The direction of the fluid flow changes by 90 degrees from one element to the next. This inversion of the flow direction induces turbulence in the fluid, thereby enhancing the mixing power.

For more information about this mixer, please refer to the catalog of this product.

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